Friday, April 29, 2011

Random Fact Friday

Soo a big part of this whole blog thing is getting to know the girls/guys  you follow. You start to recognize their writing style and you feel like you can actually hear them saying the things you read, you recognize the people in their life, and you start to feel like you know the person!! That’s one of the reasons I love blogs/blogging.

So I’ve decided to have a Random Fact Friday!! I’ll share a few facts about me and you can share a few facts about you!! It’ll be like having coffee at Starbucks without the overpriced latte, smelly clothes/hair afterwards, and actually being in the same place at the same time… Ok here it goes :)

1. Speaking of Starbucks – I get the same thing every single time I go – BIG shocker there :) Either a White Mocha hot, iced, or frappucino’ed

2.  When I get in my car I think I’m Danica Patrick. Or Speed Racer. But Danica is prettier. I don’t always drive really fast… but I  love to drive. And I love to get where I’m headed. ** Also side note. I google imaged Danica Patrick and was slightly horrified.
I chose the Got Milk campaign because it was the least racy picture.
I never realized she was like the Kim Kardashian of NASCAR. Weird.


3. I love chocolate. Milk is my favorite, Dark is definitely ok, and White is tasty but uncommon. And while I love chocolate – I hate candy. Sure I’ll have a starburst or a handful of sour patch kids – but other than that I think it’s gross. Easter candy has no appeal to me… and neither does Halloween really. I’m not a candy kid…


4. I love Disney World. Love love love love it. And one of my dreams of all dreams is to be Belle in the Beauty and the Beast show at Hollywood Studios. Belle was always my favorite and this past January I teared up watching the shortened show again. It’ll never happen. But it’s nice to have dreams like that, don’t cha think?

5. And since I’m still on the Royal Wedding high… I’ll add some humor. The fact: I love hats. I think it’s super cool that everyone wears them to Royal Weddings. It sets a Royal Wedding apart from any other one… It’s classy, It’s fabulous. Humor: Was anybody else thinking this?!? HAHA. Oh dear. Yikes. The blue one isn’t too bad. But if I saw the other sister I’d want to throw something through it… And how is that staying on and not driving her insane?!? Crazy. Slightly upstaging the bride? I think so.
Thankfully Kate was too perfect to be upstaged :)


Hope you enjoyed the random facts!! Leave me a comment with a five about you – and let me know what you thought about the Royal Wedding!! Didn’t Kate look AMAZING!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. i like to watch philly sports and college ball.

2. im a conspiracy theorist x3405834.

3. i get the same thing everytime at starbucks too!

4. i have a lot of duke apparrel.

5. tyler johnson has been on my last nerve all week and im about to go to bed and my fists are clenched.

friday 5 is a greeaat idea=]