Thursday, April 21, 2011

Under the weather

Today started out really bad and then kind of continued to get worse. And I’m pretty sure it isn’t done yet. Which means today is the worst day ever.

Highlights of my day:

1. Getting an e-mail from a friend at my old job which is owned by the same company I work for now (A bunch of nursing homes united). One of the ladies asked if the rumors about me being engaged were true. Unfortunately they are false. And this was not the exact rumor I needed to hear about today.

2. Sucking on halls cough drops all morning at work. Then getting in my car and dropping two unwrapped halls underneath my seat. I gave up. And possibly took it out on my steering wheel.

3. Laying in bed all afternoon with a fever. Did I mention the flu ROCKS? There is nothing I love more than sweating through chills for hours and being in so much pain that I don’t want to move an part of my body. Fingers and toes included. I think I have contracted full-body-arthritis.

On a good note I watched this past weeks Glee (and loved it) and I'm drinking ginger ale from now till forever.

Hope your Thursday is significantly better than mine :)

1 comment:

two birds said...

oh no...i hope you feel better!!