Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Must-Haves

So I’m pretty much craving the beach A LOT. I just want warmth and sunshine on my skin. Tan skin. And the smell of the ocean. AH. Can’t wait for summer….

Love this nail polish color


and this beach cover up


Annnd this floppy beach hat


I’ve always wanted to wear a floppy beach hat on the beach. But I’ve never really had twenty bucks to spend on the hat when I need money for gas to get to the beach. Maybe this year will be different?  Hope so. Skin cancer is pretty serious – and this would be a pretty cute way to protect my skin. Yes, that definitely justifies the purchase…

One of my favorite beach trips of all time was last May. All my girlfriends from school spent the weekend in Delaware at my friend Kelsey’s beach house.  It is one of my favorite memories of freshman year. We woke up early the one morning and drove to the beach at 5am to watch the sunrise. It was so beautiful!

We also went to the beach every night after dinner. It was chilly ‘cause it’s not SUPER warm in Delaware in May. But that didn’t stop us :)

Only a few more weeks!! Can’t wait to plan our next trip to DE :)

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