Thursday, December 2, 2010

L-O, L-O, L-O, L-O-V-E

Throwback to Ashley Simpson!! Sing it with me :) I really used to think that song was awesome... now not so much. And that leads me to today. Today has consisted of a mix of things I love and things I opposite-of-love. Sooo we'll start with the bad news first...

The Things I Opposite-of-Love:
getting out of the shower - cold everything
people who forget they are in America - walk on the right side of the road/sidewalk please!!
traffic - sometimes i am soooo thankful i don't have a car this semester, i might run people down
really cute shoes that hurt - my feet are too sensitive... why cant sneakers look like stilettos?
dog hair - i love the dog... i hate the hair. all. over. me.

The Things I love:
opening my eyes and seeing the sun rise through my window - nature displays the beauty of God
getting out of bed and putting on my quilted robe - best christmas present ever
peppermint mocha creamer - from my momma
sudoku - especially during American History... we  covered the Civil War in 75 minutes?!?
GLEE - gleegleegleegleeglee. i was meant to be on that show...
Cheesy Crust in the cafe - the pizza might be lame, but the crust was to die for!!
White Peppermint Mochas - starbucks is genius. even better when i dont pay.
Day Dreaming - planning the layout of my dream house is one of my all time favorite things
Great News - finding out from my sister that she and her fiance are one step closer to setting their wedding date
Thursday Night Football - Eagles and cuddling with my boy. best ending to a day ever.
my boy - he is my best friend

all in all it's been a wonderful day. and im glad my loves outnumber my opposites.
What did you love about your day?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hump Day Happiness

After an exhaustively boring day at work I went to the mall with my dear friend Rachel. She had birthday money and needed to return a birthday present, so I was merely going along for moral support. Riiight ;) My conscience was blocked out the second I walked into American Eagle.

I have had my eye on this blazer all season and finally jumped on it. Originally $69.50 - but on sale for $20.95. To say to least - I was a happy camper!! American Eagle's clearance was an additional 30% off!

I suppose all I need now is an occasion to wear it :)