Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jane’s Turnin’ 29!!

Happy Birthday MOM!! Today she’s turning 29 again and she’s lookin’ fab :) Not really. Well yes about the fab part but no about the 29 part. Obv. And her name isn’t Jane. It’s Janele. But I call her Jane when she doesn’t hear me or were joking around the house. It’s a term of endearment. She called me Gertie.  It’s only fair she gets a nick-name of her own…

My mom stayed at home to raise us girls  so we’ve always been really really close. She’s my closest girlfriend. I can tell her anything and everything. She has the best advice, makes the best dessert, and makes me laugh harder than anyone. She’s the best :)

I’ve spent a lot of time in recent years reflecting on what traits my parents have as individuals, spouses, and parents that makes our family and their marriage stick together so well. Here are a few of the things I love about my mom. I hope someday I can be as good a wife, mother, and friend as she’s been :)

1. Wife - My mom loves my dad. That’s something I no longer take for granted. She still gives him a kiss when he comes home from work. She still follows his lead and has taught us girls what it means to be godly, submissive wives. She serves him. Believe me – I’m taking notes :)

25 yearss

2. Prego – She loved being pregnant. She talks about those times with such nostalgic amazement. She loved every sick second of it. I can’t wait to have babies of my own and hope I’m as in love with being pregnant as she was :) There’s something very comforting about knowing she loved me even when I made her sick, and huge, and came two weeks late. 

3. Momma – When I was a little girl she always read to me before my nap. When I was in elementary school she listened to every detail of my day when I got off the bus. When I was in middle school she helped me through the awful friendship wars. She guided me and helped me through messy, ugly, lonely times. When I was in high school she really became my friend. Kayla went to college and my mom and I had more one-on-one time. Some of my favorite memories of high school are from my senior year. It started off unnaturally tumultuously and I found home to be my haven. Mom and Dad and I would sit up after Sarah had gone to bed and we’d talk in the living room. I became really close to my parents. She’s given me incredible advice. She’s listened to me crying about my college stress, college crap food, college roommates, college everything. She’s driven to school to have coffee with me. She’s told me stories about when she and dad dated to help me cope and maneuver through my own relationship. She’s calmed my fears. She’s believed in me when it seemed like no one else was. She introduced me to 75% of the music I love. She has always put us first. She’s never opted out of making us dinner, doing our laundry, or cleaning up after our messes. She’s always gone to bat for us with dad. She’s never complained about driving us all over creation. She’s never complained about spending money for our stuff before her own. She has loved me with her whole life. 

4. Jokester – totally lame category name but I don’t know how else to say it. My mom has a very different sense of humor. That somehow I adopted. There is not much left sacred when we’re together. We joke about everything. We laugh all the time. She’s taught me not to take life too seriously. When life seems unfixable just give it time. When people at work freak out cause you made a mistake forget about it the second you clock out – you don’t work at the White House or run the world. When someone is really upset about something stupid just laugh. Why not get a jump start cause you’ll be laughing later? Annnd the known fact in our family is that “Jane takes things one step too far”. Especially when we’re playing games. Example: Actually the only example I can think of isn't that funny so you'll just have to believe me :)

So I just bragged about my mom for a long long time. And I’m ok with that. It’ll be the best birthday card ever. Basically all I can say is THANK YOU MOM! I am so thankful for you and hope you have an amazing birthday :) I love you!

and sorry bout the picture quality… our printers scanner is taking a vacation and didn’t exactly show up for work today…

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