Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Decisions Decisions Decisions

Tomorrow I am finally available for a phone upgrade. I’ve been waiting forever to have a cool phone. Last time I paid $100 for a super lame phone that freezes ALL the time. And it deletes things that I never wanted to delete. And it’s clunky. And its pretty lame. SO… I really want to just go all out. But I have four choices:

1. Blackberry


2. iPhone


3. Droid


4. Windows

phone 4

And the guy at the store RAVED about the droid. He was almost drooling. The droid and the Blackberry are both on sale – and will actually end up being cheaper than the majorly awesome phone I have now. I’m not complaining I just got schooled a year and a half ago. The other thing is that droid is all touch screen and the blackberry has a key pad. My phone right now is both and I don’t know how I’d like have ALL touch screen…

Anyways. Im so excited to get my new phone – probably won’t happen till next week cause I’m working every night this week -  BUT I want good advice – so if you have one of these or have had one of these – PLEASE let me know…. which way is the way to go?! :)

And in the mean time… expand your musical love and listen to this little mash-up. Love Adele. Love Adele faster than normal  beautiful song.  Ignore Britney’s underground rave – she may be spending a little too much time with key-dollar sign-ah.

That’s all folks :)

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