Friday, April 22, 2011

My Must-Reads

As we all know, there are some REALLY amazing blogs out there. We all follow our favorites religiously. I’m pretty sure there are many blogs that I’m missing out on because I’m so stuck on my personal favorites. So I decided I’d share a few of my favorites with you, and in turn you can share a few favorites with me!!

1. Lauren of Busy Bee Lauren!! She is fabulous. She’s down to earth, she’s real with her followers and herself, and she’s in love with her husband Ted. She loves the Beatles, photography, traveling, and fashion. Her style is SO amazing. She can look gorgeous in a vintage dress or jeans and t-shirt. She’s totally lovable. You will be hooked!

2. Michelle from Three Men and a Lady. This lady. I am SO jealous of her interior decorating skills. Her bedroom makeover is probably my favorite thing ever. I love clean looks, I love grey, I love yellow, I love owls. Sadly, they’re moving – so her incredible entry way will be someone else's. Hopefully the next people who live there like stripes :) And she also just had her third child – another boy!! Congrats Michelle!

3. A. Ann from Resolved2Worship. This woman inspires me every day. She has seven children and is currently pregnant with number eight! And these children are gorgeous!! They also have the coolest names ever. She is an incredible mother, and incredible wife, and most importantly – an incredible woman of God. Her intimate thoughts are poured out on her blog as a way for her to stay focused, but also as a testament to others. She recently told the (I think twelve?) twelve-part love story of how she and her husband met. Crazy good!! And her Christmas card photos, along with all the photos of her kids, are incredible! The music she has on her site is also so Christ-centered and uplifting…

There are many more that I follow and love but these three are my among my top favorites :) I’ll probably be making a must-read tab soon… so stay tuned for that!

And don’t forget to comment and let me know which blogs I need to check out!

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