Thursday, April 14, 2011

If I was any better…

“If I was any better, I couldn’t stand it!”

That’s the response I got from one of the resident’s when I asked him how his day was. He quickly told me that this was a common phrase long ago and that I shouldn’t place much faith in it because you should never get tired of feeling great. While I totally agree with him, there is a part of me that likes this old saying.

Life is wonderful. Spring is finally here. All the trees have blossomed. I am blessed with an amazing family and fabulous friends. I have a job and I have a car. I have virtually no stress in my life. I am in good health. I have no crises in my life. Life is wonderful.

The only things that could be better: a beach house, having the luxury to shop till I drop, see my best friends every day. But even then I wouldn’t appreciate the beach, shopping, or my friends like I do now. And I’d probably become a rich snob and annoy my friends to death and then end up with a lot of stuff and no friends. And that would be a real shame :)

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the things I don’t have. It’s insane how selfish I am. Thankfully, God puts people in my life that speak nonsense and make me stop and think. It’s nice to reflect back on all the wonderful blessings I have in my life at the end of the day… because “If I had it any better, I couldn’t stand it”.

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