Friday, March 18, 2011

When you know, you know…


Ya know when you just know? You just have this feeling that something is right or true or forever? And even though everything in your body might be fighting you to believe it and place your trust in it, you do anyways? Because you just know?

“They” always say “you just know”… “when you know, you know”


For a long time I think I’ve known but I’ve let too many other things form a huge BUT in my brain.

Tonight there was no but. And tomorrow I may feel a ‘but’ or a ‘well what if’ because the feelings of this day have passed. But right now I just know. There is no doubt in my mind.

I know I may get hurt, I know I will feel pain, I know I will cry, laugh, scream, sing, mourn, and rejoice. I know it won’t be easy and I know there are no guarantees. But none of that matters.

Tonight I just know.

Some things seem like they’re going to be forever and then they come to an abrupt halt and make us question everything we thought we knew.

And then there are other things that we know will only be for a time. So we soak in everything we can and store it away for the time when it’s passed.

Other things we hold onto out of fear of losing them. If we keep it close, we’ll have more to remember once it’s gone.

Some things we keep at bay. If it’s distant it’ll be easier to let go of. It won’t hurt as bad or won’t be as terrible if it wasn’t so important in the first place.

And sometimes we do them all. Our head tells us to keep our distance, but our heart tells us to soak up every second we have. Our heart tells us to keep it close because it could be gone in an instant, but our head tells us we shouldn’t get involved at all for that very reason.

I’ve felt all of this. I’ve done all of this.

But tonight none of that seemed to matter or apply. Tonight everything else just slipped away and for some odd reason I could place total trust, belief, and faith on one thing. I had no worries, no insecurities, no fears.

I just knew. And the only thing I could do was cry.

I doubted “them” when they said I’d just know. I thought it was ridiculous. But not anymore.

Now I know.


Unknown said...

I loved this. And I think it's true. Hard to explain, but true. It's this gut feeling and you KNOW.


Anonymous said...

i kno i love you