Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bandwagon Wednesday: GLEE!

Last week I threatened/promised featuring Glee and well, I just couldn't hold myself back - so here we go :) And yes Glee was new last night but no I haven't seen it because:

a. our TV is in the basement and it's freezing cold down there - plus, if you're down there for too long you get a wicked cough and possibly bronchitis - Mark's still pretty bitter about it...

b. I can't stand comercials

c. Hulu is free and is watchable while in my pjs, tucked in my still-warm covers

SO moral of the story is I will be watching tonight's episode tomorrow morning - probobly at the same time that this little post is posted... Ok so here we go... ahhh let the fun begin...

I am a total Gleek. I watched the pilot episode when it aired after American Idol a few years ago and was hooked. I definitley don't agree with everything on the show, but there are so many more acceptable things than questionable things and I just can't help but love it. Every week the show delivers. The music selections, the casts' one liners, the plot - everything. I laugh, I sing along, I long to be on the show... Totally a Gleek.

I have loved Journey since I was younger, so I was thrilled when Lea Michele and Cory Monteith sang this in last seasons finale... Lea Michele can sing like nobody's business... In true Glee fashion, they brought new life to an old song and I think it's great that this show is bridging the gap between my generation and my parent's generation...


This song features Lea Michele and Idina Menzel (married to Taye Diggs, starred in Wicked and Rent). The two are a mother-daughter duo on the show and this remix of Poker Face is so fun! It sounds so different from the original that it's almost a completely new song... love that...

This song is such a good example of how creative Glee really is - they took Teenage Dream by Katy Perry that was already super popular, put a new spin on it, and made America fall in love with it all over again - not to mention fall in love with Blaine who starred as a new character in this episode...

ok.... moving on....

This is just a crowd-pleaser feel-good song... my mom, sarah, and I frequently belt this out to/from the mall :) Amber Riley is incredible - seriously phenomenal!!

In addition to the excellent songs that are sing-sang-sung each week, the characters are hilarious.

Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, and Mercedes Jones - The Divas

Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray, and Brittany Pierce- The Cheerios

Mike Chang, Puck, Artie Abrams, and Sam - as The Justin Bieber Experience

Artie, Sam, Kurt, Finn, Mike, and Puck - All the boys together

Sue Sylvester and her assistant Becky

Coach Beiste, Sue, and Will Schuester

Will and Emma Pillsbury

And then Principal Figgins - who recently referred to Ke$ha and "Key -dollar sign- ha"

And if the cast wasn't big enough, talented enough, or good-looking... enough? Here are some of the guests - some of which, thankfully tend to reappear :)

Holly Holiday (Gwyneth Paltrow) - substitute teacher

Shelby Corcoran (Idina Menzel) - Vocal Adrenaline's coach and Rachel Berry's biological mother

Jessie St. James (Jonathan Groff) - Vocal Adrenaline's and Rachel Berry's one-time main man

Doris (Carol Burnett) - Sue's Nazi-hunting mother

April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth) - Will's former classmate

Dentist Carl (John Stamos) - Emma's fiance

Bryan Ryan (Neil Patrick Harris) - Will's high school rival

I may have missed a few people because it's such a huge cast and the show is constantly changing/adding characters, but I think you get the point. One of my favorite parts of the show is when someone is singing and everyone else is sitting in the practice room... the drama/story/plot line is always drawn out during these sections because every character is shot in a close up and the viewers get to see exactly how each character is feeling or what they're thinking (dramatic irony) - I love it!!

Brittany and Sue also have the BEST one-liners...

Mr. Schue: "Who can tell me what a ballad is?"
Brittany:  "A male duck."

Santana: "This food was not satisfactory."
Brittany: "There was a mouse in mine."

Brittany: "I hope you will all respect that I want Glee club to remain a place where I, Brittany S. Pierce, can escape the torment of Britney Spears."
 (get it? Brittany S. Pierce "Brittany Spierce")
Sue: "That was the most offensive thing I've seen in 20 years of teaching — and that includes an elementary school production of Hair."

Sue: ''I thought I smelled cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves that live in your hair.''

Sue: ''You think this is hard? I'm passing a gallstone as we speak. That is hard!''

Sue: ''I'm all about empowerment. I empower my Cheerios to live in a state of constant fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror.''

Maybe they're all funnier in context - but I love these two... they crack me up :) As does the majority of the cast... And if you haven't yet seen an episode, you can check their site to watch clips, full episodes, and see when they'll next be on your boob tube (see this post for the refernence) -- you can thank me later!!

OH. ps. I didn't really come out and say this and I'm not sure I have to because its blatantly obvious BUT I am 100% on the Glee Bandwagon... or Glee Train... cause that sounds like a whole lotta fun too :)


Anonymous said...

do u think i have what it taktes to be a gleek!? =]

Melanie said...

there are more and more things about glee that make me very uncomfortable.

but you are absolutely correct about brittany. hahaaa...