Last Saturday I went to Ocean City with my dear friend Kaitlyn. The weather was amazing and it was the perfect beach day. We’ve both been going to the gym all summer and decided to celebrate our new fabulosity by going to the beach and then going onto the boardwalk and eating french fries and ice cream. Yes. It was the perfect reward for our hard work… We also sang like idiots the entire way down and back and made a lot of dumb jokes and reminisced about middle school. Best last hoorah ever.
We saw a few pods of dolphins around lunch time and spent the majority of our day watching the tweenage surfer wannabe boys and clapping for them. True story.
Basically sums up Summer2011. Am I right or am I right?
JB please go on tour so we have a legitimate reason to justify the purchase. Kaythanksbye.
It’s a good thing I chose to smile like a 5 year old because when it was all said and done it looked like it was the first ice cream cone I’d ever eaten. Butter Brickle – 1. Rebecca – 0.
The man that took this picture for us actually thanked us for asking him. It was sweet and sad at the same time… like no one had ever asked him before and it made his day. He also held the camera in a way that made us pretty sure the picture was going to be of our knees, but it didn’t turn out too bad :) I love the beach, good music, good conversation, and good food. Most of all, @KaitKinsey who makes me laugh harder than anyone I know :) This basically sums up our day: “Shawty whatchyo name is?” “Hey Daddy” “Knock, knock. Guess what? The goon’s home” “Justin Bieber is the bombdotcom” “Cool story babe, now go make me a sandwich”
Annnnd a Justin Bieber rap and Astin Martin music because it’s the perfect go-to song.
It’s sad to say farewell to summer, but I’m glad we squeezed this day in.
HIII im not sure if I need to have a blog to leave this comment but im going to go for it anyway. WHO KNEW when we met in 8th grade that one day our parents would ever let us out of the house...let alone to OCNJ!:) at least we still have the same taste in 13 year old boys and certain cops;) <3
PS i just left 7 comments because I didnt realize you had to approve them :)
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