Thursday, September 22, 2011

Toes in the Water

Family Vacation was FINALLY upon us.
The sun was shining, the car was packed, and our bathing suits were on.
Off we went… But we didn’t stay too long!!! We beached Saturday and Sunday, then came home for school and work Monday through Wednesday. Wednesday night we headed back down to finish our week and sadly we didn’t have as nice of weather.
But here’s a little peek into our week.

Also for the first time in my family’s history my mom, Kayla, and I ALL forgot our cameras. So here’s the pitiful pictures from our phones. I almost cried.


I love the beach and I love spending time with my family. Riding bikes on the boardwalk and getting Browns donuts was probably the highlight this year. The ride back down to the beach Wednesday night almost resulted in my death, so that was definitely the low. And everything else fell wonderfully in between. It was exactly what I needed after working crazy shifts all summer and then having my first few stressful weeks of a fulltime schedule. And if you were wondering, that was a picture of my dad considering a fedora.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

can you pretty please email these? they're great. and can you tell me who the little kid is in the picture of us in cloud nine? because i was seriously confused for about three seconds...

wait, we had a little kid with us?
whose little kid IS that?