Friday, May 6, 2011

Youtube Shenanigans

Sometimes I feel like I have a lot to think about and process and write about. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s serious. And then other times I feel like I have nothing to share OR I have so much in my head that there’s no possible way to narrow anything down and say anything valuable ‘cause my own brain doesn’t know what it wants.
This is one of those times.

So as a distraction from my distractions I bring you some of my favorite youtube videos… go cozy up on your couch and prepare to laugh, cry, and be amazed :)

1. HYSTERICAL. The song gets a little annoying but this never ever gets old…. this is one pretty talented bird.

2. EMOTIONAL – I still get chills and tear up every time. Amazing.

3. SO TALENTED. You will become addicted to watching all of their videos. Her voice is amazing. Other songs showcase her voice better but this is my favorite Adele song off her new album. Also check out Look At Me Now and 6 Foot 7 Foot– she can rap like nobodies business. And I’m amazed by them :)

Hope you enjoyed :) TGIF

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