Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bandwagon Wednesday: Diva - Part I

Diva. What a word. It can be either super good or super bad. But I don’t really care too much about that… I just am in love with a few divas. Their out-of-this-world voices. Their amazing music. All of it. So I have dubbed this month DIVA MONTH. And every Wednesday you’ll find out which women I think are Divalicious :) This Week:

Mariah Carey


I’m not such a huge fan of her in the 21st century. I think she forgot she was getting older. And there’s something strange about a forty-year-old making a hate video to Eminem. But that’s all besides the point. She also is not the most modest woman. So I’m definitely not supporting her wardrobe. But I’m talking REAL Mariah. My dear friend Amy is about eight years older than me so grew up in the Mariah Glory Period. She would always let me route through her cd’s and she had almost every MC album. I was hooked.

1. She is beautiful. Always has been. Always will be. And I mean really really pretty. Flawless makes me jealous pretty. She could have been famous for her hair and face and never opened her mouth. Obv a girl crush exists here :)

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2. Her voice has suffered and isn’t as fabulous as it used to be but MC can sing. Forreal. Really really really well. Her range is incredible. Her voice, originally, wasn’t computer generated or perfected. She had pipes and she didn’t hold back. I love real raw talent. Today since her voice isn’t as strong and I’m sure she’s helped a lot in the studio but that doesn’t bother me too much – like I said before, I’m not a huge fan of her current stuff anyways. She had it. She brought it.

3. Her music is about love. Her music is real and honest. Her music is universal. She sings every girls thoughts…. Sure it’s girly and dramatic and romantic and over the top – but so is she.

4. She has a thing. A trademark. She loves butterflies. She had an album titled Butterfly… They’re all over her website. She’s holding one on her Greatest Hits Album cover. It’s cute. Whatever floats her boat :)

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5. And now for the real proof. The music. This is the real true reason I love her. I can listen to her music any and every minute of the day. At school I used to get ready with my friend Joelle in the mornings and we’d glam up with her…


Hope you enjoyed!! Stay tuned for next week’s Diva!! Any other Mariah fans?!?

Also ps. congrats Mariah and Nick Cannon on dem babies!!!

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