Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One of these things does not belong…

Did you guess which one it is?

Nope it’s not the 11-year-old having a pre-teen freak out session with her best friend. And it’s not the super fabulous mirror pic or Philadelphia city sky line from last weekend. It’s not the flower that we’ve been waiting ALL summer to see that finally decided the 102 degree day would be the best day to bloom. It’s not my old workspace that I got to revisit on Friday for a special project at work, either. And it’s definitely not my curly hair – cause I am loving the humidity for blessing my otherwise straight mane.
SO that leaves one option.


Thursday night it was about 97 degrees at 9:05pm and I was already starting to sweat as I walked from my car to the front door. I had just driven home from class and was tired, so I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was walking and BAM. I almost stepped on this guy. Who landed smack-dab, dead-center, in the middle the sidewalk that goes to my front door. I am actually really surprised to see him laying there because we usually don’t get cicadas until August. It’s the August symphony – their constant clicking from the trees. But they started last week and evidently they don’t have very long life spans… I almost felt bad for the little guy if he hadn’t been so ugly and gross…

Anyways – that was the one thing that definitely did not belong in my week :) I’m just glad my sandals were spared :) Hope you’re staying cool in this wicked heat!! In a few months we’ll be shaking our fists at the sky when we’re shoveling our driveways of snow for the zillionth time…. so live it up!!

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