Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Best Weekend Ever…

Here’s a little sneak peak of my fabulous, amazing, incredible, surreal 4th of  July Weekend!! Android camera style. I promise legit pictures are coming soon but I love looking back at the moments I choose to capture on my phone :) Plus it’s a little tease of the best weekend of my summer and possibly this whole year of my life… no joke!!

1. Breakfast with the Bride @ Emma’s – our favorite diner!
2. The little black dress I found in my hamper, that came from Kayla who got it from one of the other bridesmaids, Erin… I love hand-me-downs that fit!!
3. I am a slave to the Cheesecake Factory. End of story.
4. The glowing/blushing Bride-To-Be!!!
5. THE.CAR.WASH. (Cue the scary duh duh duh music) I hate the car wash. Just as much as Kayla hates tanning booths. I feel like something really bad is going to happen to me while I’m in there. And I didn’t put my car in neutral so the 20-something year old guy working it knew I was scared and laughed at me. And then my dad called me because he was right behind me and laughed at “how scary the tunnel is”.
My husband will have to get the cars washed for me. I just don’t like them.
6. The Bride and Groom at the rehearsal :)
7. Kayla’s hair, pre-veil – so gorgeous!
8. Mr. & Mrs. at their sweetheart table. Didn’t my sister look absolutely stunning?!?!
9. Marky Mark walking on Main Street in Manayunk… dinner at the Manayunk Brewery with Mark and his family = !!!!! Once again the Brewery lived up to my high standards and memories. The sushi was la-dish. And the boy looked pretty fresh in his post-wedding attire and Oakley's.
10. The Manayunk Sunset
11. Philadelphia. I love my city.
12. Swimming, grocery shopping, grilling, and Rita’s aka the Perfect 4th!!

And an honorary 13. Obv. there isn’t a picture for this but as I drove home on the turnpike I saw fireworks the whole way. It was so neat that I got a 45 minute long firework show. And when I got off the turnpike the first thing I smelled was campfire. Yes I love Philadelphia. I love fireworks. I love campfires and s’mores. I love freedom.
I love America. And I LOVED this weekend :)

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend as well!!
What did you do to celebrate Independence Day?

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