Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bandwagon Wednesday: Pandora Picks

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before but I am 100% on the Pandora bandwagon.
I love Pandora.
I have been introduced to so many new artists and new songs that without Pandora I wouldn’t even know exist! When I was in school, I listened to the same couple of stations whenever I would do homework. I write papers better/faster/easier when I listen to easy music – it helps me focus. And there were a few songs that would pop up pretty frequently and I fell in love them.

On Monday we finally got some rain after days upon days of  oppressive heat and I sat in my window seat listening to those stations again as I watched the rain drops bounce off of the leaves… here are some of my favorites! Some are old and some are new!
Hope you enjoy!

[Mark you’ll be proud. There’s some Blink 182 in here. Eat your heart out. Or listen :) Whichever’s easier]

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