Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pots, Pans, and Plates – OH MY!!


My sister’s bridal shower was a month ago! Holy Canoli – where does time go!?

Between work and life I’ve been crazy busy and now with only 10 days left until the wedding it’s only getting busier!! I think the last time I blogged about the shower was in April - the invitations my mother made were beautiful!! She did an amazing job coordinating the shower too! 

Keeping the surprise was really tricky for us because Kay still lives here at home. My mom was constantly hiding stuff in her closet and in the basement! It was crazy! She was convinced that Kayla had figured out when the shower was, but she was totally surprised! She thought it was going to be a few weeks later due to one of her future-sisters-in-law coming to town… When she walked in she was completely stunned!

She thought she was just showing her fiancé and his mom around our church… little did she know we were all waiting in the dark!! And wait we did… they couldn’t get her downstairs and we waited with the lights off for 15 minutes!!

She was surrounded by white and purple – gotta love Bed, Bath & Beyond free gift wrap!!

Congratulations Jeremiah & Kayla!!

These were the favors – little boxes in the shape of a slice of cake filled with candy – these were SUCH a pain in the rear end. If you’re throwing a shower don’t choose these… we had to glue them together and no matter how many times we glued them, they kept on popping open!!

I love these ladies!!!

When it was all over we loaded up three cars in the pouring rain and delivered it all to their apartment!! It was such a nice afternoon with friends and family!!

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