Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Day Weekend

1. Twins


On Friday, I parked my car after driving home from work and looked up to see these two beautiful babies in my backyard. The sad part about it is that they don’t have a momma. Earlier this week someone hit a deer and it died in our front yard. It was pretty gross – all stiff with her tongue sticking out. Anyways, we could tell she had been nursing, but by that point, we hadn’t seen the babies. And now it’s just really sad to me that they’re all alone. But aren’t they adorable??!!!?

2. Birthday Dinner at our favorite place…


The sushi was delicious. The music was my very own personal soundtrack. And everything was going quite swimmingly until I dropped a mostly full cup of water all over my lap. True story.

3. Patriotism

I was a little bummed when I saw this…

“Hey Dad, nice flag!”

“Thanks, Bec!”

“…That’s what I was gonna get you for Father’s Day….”

“Well, scratch it off the list!”

“I didn’t have a list”


4. Vintage


I was rummaging through my closet, stalling the whole bedroom clean-up thing, and I found a garment bag that I didn’t recognize. Inside was a perfect off-white dress. This is my grandmother’s wedding dress. I put on the pearl earrings and ring she gave me and waa-lahh. I was a 1950s bride. Don’t you wish we could go back to this? When collar bones, hips, and class were sexy? Instead of teeny-tiny women, see through lace tops with hot pink bras underneath, and low moral standards? I do. I definitely do. This dress is perfection.

5. White

There is NOTHING like clean, crisp, new, white bed linens. Nothing.

6. Chores


Like helping Dad disassemble the backboard and rim. At 9:00 a.m. In the baking sun – which was wicked hot for being so early. Clearly Sarah was thrilled to be on ladder watch.

7. Crystal Blue Water


We were fish. In and out and in and out. All weekend long. I love this pool.


Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!

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