1. Spending a lot of money to fix your car and then you realize it’s still sick.
2. Realizing your boyfriend fell asleep on the couch next to you.
3. Watching your surrogate brother give his momma a hug and seeing her eyes fill with tears.
4. Laughing hysterically as your boyfriend swim-chases a frog around your pool.
5. Rain starting to fall the very second everyone is finally settled at the table outside for a cookout.
6. Walking back through my old room in a house that soon won’t be ours and crying like a baby.
7. Getting caught red handed at the chocolate fountain.
8. Taking time to remember the family we have lost.
9. Dad getting his umbrella out so he can see the double rainbow better than the rest of us crowding at the edge of the garage.
10. Reminiscing about all the fun we had growing up in the old house with my sister.
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