Thursday, October 27, 2011



…When Mark’s dad decided it would be a good idea to climb up a vertical mountain so we’d get to the trail faster…


…When Mark’s mom and I browsed over our coffee and dreamed about owning a house in the mountains…

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…When Mark and I were listening to my ipod on the way back home and hard core punk rock came on. We busted up laughing because it was so random. I did my best to convince him I only listen to it when I run…


…When we finally turned around from looking at the horses to see the amazing view of the cliffs…


…When I woke up each morning to the sounds of someone in the kitchen and the smell of amazing breakfast…


…When I got to spend three full days with my best friend…


I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
This was a weekend I’ll cherish forever.


Anonymous said...

i love this one. what about: "when mark perfected the 'everyfacebookgirlpose'" =). i love you rebecca

Kay said...

you're too cute. i love your blog. more than anyones.