Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday. Saturday. Saturday to Sunday.

What a weekend. Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with a dear friend from college. Shopping at the mall with my mom. Driving through the snow to fetch Sarah from a friend’s house. An amazing nap. Bucky’s Birthday dinner. Church. Helping Mark shop at the mall. And trick-or-treating at my grandparent’s house.

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Some of you may know from twitter/fb that our tree broke. It was so sad. The whole thing just drooped under the weight of the snow and 1/3 of it snapped off. Thankfully it was the side facing the street and not the house!!




This weekend FLEW by in comparison to last weekend. But it’s nice to be starting another week :) And I’m really looking forward to it. Hopefully Mark’s brother wins his game today and goes on to the championship game, which would be tomorrow. And Friday is family pie night. I’m also setting the goal to go to the gym 4 days this week, send 3 friends cards in the mail, read 2 nights before bed, and start 1 new crochet project. We’ll see how that all pans out!! Happy Halloween Everyone and Happy Monday!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Black & Orange

Today is Halloween Dress Down Day at work. Which makes me one happy receptionist.
It also means it’s FRIDAY!!
I’m looking forward to dinner with a friend, baking cookies at my grandparents, celebrating my brother in law’s birthday, shopping, and lots of family this weekend. Sunday night is trick-or-treating at my grandparents. I can’t WAIT to see my little cousins. Last year the baby was a bumble bee and her siblings were hippies. They made me want to be 3, 7, and 10 all over again.
It’s also supposed to be fah-reezing this weekend. Which means a fire at Nana and Poppop’s and lots of coffee. Today was a rude awakening to the cold that’s on it’s way. I’d definitely be putting my flannel sheets on my bed if they weren’t packed away in a box in the garage. But more on that at a later date :)

Hope you have a great weekend!












Thursday, October 27, 2011



…When Mark’s dad decided it would be a good idea to climb up a vertical mountain so we’d get to the trail faster…


…When Mark’s mom and I browsed over our coffee and dreamed about owning a house in the mountains…

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…When Mark and I were listening to my ipod on the way back home and hard core punk rock came on. We busted up laughing because it was so random. I did my best to convince him I only listen to it when I run…


…When we finally turned around from looking at the horses to see the amazing view of the cliffs…


…When I woke up each morning to the sounds of someone in the kitchen and the smell of amazing breakfast…


…When I got to spend three full days with my best friend…


I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
This was a weekend I’ll cherish forever.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In town

Sunday we spent the day in town.
In the smaller town of Gardiner. Which consisted of an Antique Store and a diner. And a skydiving center. Center? Place? A place where you go to go skydiving. Yes one of those.

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And after Gardiner we headed into New Paltz. Which is a mix of South Street, New Town & New Hope – for all you local friends. The boutiques were charming. The antique stores were quaint. And there was a Starbucks. So basically it rocked.




The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time.

I love that.
One more post about New Paltz coming tomorrow.
Just a couple favorite pictures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Sunny Saturday

Picking up where I left off in yesterday’s post…

On Saturday, after the brothers finally got outta bed we went to hike around the mountain that overlooks New Paltz. The cliffs are beautiful and are really popular for rock climbers?? – mountain climbers ?? So we saw a bunch of them too. Fortunately there were no accidents while we were walking!! Just a lot of people without shoes laying in the dirt. Or scaling the cliffs. And leashed dogs too.
The view from the trail was so gorgeous. All the leaves were starting to turn and the weather was perfect. The trail around the mountain was about five miles and the walk to the car was about a little under a mile each way. I have to admit at one point I really thought we were never going to make it all the way around, but I’m glad we did it. The two soccer players weren’t quite as thrilled :)









Afterwards, we came back to the house for cheese and crackers and, of course, a fire. Mark’s mom bought goat cheese to spread over date bread. It sounded totally gross but it was one of the best things I have ever eaten.
I couldn’t get enough of it!



Oh I want to go back SO bad…
We made a fire outside too – so the boys could make hotdogs. It was REALLY cold once the sun went down.
The boys lasted much longer than I did.




Mark had four hot dogs.  Four hot dogs with onions, mustard, and chilli. MMMMmmm.
No thank you. I’ll stick with my date bread and goat cheese :)