Monday, January 30, 2012

Movin’ Out

Not only is that an amazing Billy Joel song, it’s also the story of my life for the past four weeks. Actually let’s make that the past four months.

It all started the day I went to the beach with my dear friend Kaitlyn. I came home to a very excited father who was dying to show me this house on I was impressed. Then we went to see the house and I started to get excited. The next few weeks were spent wondering if it was even possible for us to move or if it was just another dream. For years my parents have wanted to move into  single family home, and we’ve learned not to get our hopes up. But everything fell into place and the house was ours. We cleaned our little butts off and listed our house the day after my birthday. And the house remained spotless (for the  most part) from September through December.

We knew we were moving, but needed to focus on Christmas and packing was put on the back burner. The week between Christmas and New Years was a giant wake-up call – let me tell you. We got the keys to the new house on New Years Eve and then spent the next few days cleaning the new house like we’ve never cleaned before. My dad painted my bedroom and Sarah’s bedroom – they look amazing!! We also started bringing over boxes. Boxes and boxes and boxes. Guess what? We’re still moving boxes. But that’s what happens when you don’t move too far away. The weekend after we got the keys, we moved all of the furniture with the help of the men in the family. And started sleeping in the new house that night. Since then we’ve been unpacking and getting settled. And also bringing all the stuff we wish we didn’t own from the old house to the new house.

But the past few weeks have flown by. Lots and lots of family time. Lots and lots of sore arms. Lots and lots of driving across the county. And lots and lots of pictures on my phone :) Here’s a look at the house on the day we got the keys…

Packing up the old house… Sarah being so helpful aka watching Tangled

We’ve grown accustomed to large piles of stuff. And also moving our piles of stuff from one place to another. There was still a pile of trash sitting there the other day. Really cool.

And this is proof of how beautiful the weather was!! Moving day was the most warm day we had since the fall – 50 degrees – we lucked out!!!

Moving day started with donuts and coffee at the old house, loading up the truck, and unloading at the new house. It was SO nice to have men pick up the furniture with zero struggle after a full week of lugging boxes to and from the car. We just stood by and watched. It was really nice. Really really nice.


We made them pretend it was super heavy so we didn’t feel so lame about our little mucles :)

We found this wicker furniture along with Sarah’s Pottery Barn trundle bed on Craigslist. Dad and I picked them both up in the city the week before we moved.

Boxes and boxes full of books!!!

Do you like this wall paper?!? Yes I know. It’s gorgeous.


Annnnd this is everything we left at the old house that needed to get brought over in the weeks following the real  move…

But as of this past weekend, the old house is back on the market and is ready for showings.
It’s been a huge weight lifted of my parents’ back because they’ve been running non stop since before Christmas and have been working really hard to get the old house cleaned out and in tip-top ship. But finally, were totally living in the new house. And are really excited about getting settled here. It’s been a long month. But hard work pays off!!

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