Lately I have been feeling very lost and confused inside my own life. I've been longing for home and for things that are not in God's plan for my life at this time. I get so frustrated because I want to be content with where I am but struggle to find things to be excited and joyful about. All I tend to see are the negative things... and that is SO not me!
Yesterday in Chapel the Provost of my school said, "the human default is complaining," during his sermon. That hit me really, really hard. I realized that I complain about my situation because I am not thrilled with it. I complain because I have "nothing to wear" in my closet, because the friends that I live with are "on my last nerve", because the food in the cafeteria "is so much worst than last year" (actually debatable), because that professor is "completely unqualified to teach", because because because. I complain because it is the human default. It is not, however, my calling. Instead of complaining, I need to thank God for the numerous ways he blesses me every single day. And so, here is my list of things that struck me as blessings today:
1. My boyfriend's house which he fondly calls "The North Pole" from Black Friday until mid-January.
Tonight I had dinner at their house and after we finished eating everyone sat together in the living room to watch Rudolph. It was such a perfect moment.
2. White Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks
My older sister had to come down to school today for an appointment (she is student teaching this semester and is living at home) and she surprised me at work with coffee. I had no idea she was coming and the drink hit the spot on this rainy day.
3. Making plans to have dates with friends.
My dear friend Mary and I are going to the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission Thrift Store on Friday and then are going to her apartment to look through fashion magazines and have a heart-to-heart. She has been such a HUGE encouragement to me since I met her last fall.
Reflecting on God's blessings in my life is such an incredible way to end my day. Thank you Lord for all of your provision, guidance, and blessing in my life.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
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